Rainhill Village Life - Supported by your Labour Councillors

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Cllr Mike Doyle JP

It is with great sadness that we have to report the sudden and unexpected death of Cllr Mike Doyle JP on Tuesday 30th December 2008.

Mike’s funeral will be held on Monday, January 19 at St Bartholomews Church, Warrington Road, Rainhill at noon.

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Your Three Labour Councillors


The following highways will be resurfaced in the first couple of months of 2009:

Rainhill Road ( parts of )
Junction of Stapleton Road and King Edward Road
Elmswood Avenue
Ellon Avenue
Ashley Close
Lowther Drive ( parts of )
St James Road ( parts of )


Tackling Crime and Disorder in Rainhill

must go to the Police and their partners for the initiatives that have seen drastic reduction of some crime in Rainhill.

In the last recorded statistics for Rainhill Total Recorded Crime was down 62% compared with last year - 118 cases compared to 316.

The best figures are reductions in :


At the last Police Forum in November I reminded the police that the FEAR OF CRIME is still an issue with lots of local residents. I received promises that efforts would be forthcoming by the Rainhill Team to assure concerned individuals who still feel unsafe.



0824 SHIP INN, WARRINGTON ROAD - Work to trees covered by tree preservation orders - Granted.
0826 174 TWO BUTT LANE - Conversion of garage to habitable room, first floor side extension and single storey rear extension - Refused
0829 3 MILL HEY - Outline application for erection of 6no. detached dwellings (all matters reserved) - Refused
0861 LONGSTERS PHARMACY - 1 internal sign - WITHDRAWN
0862 LONGSTERS PHARMACY - Replacement frontage & Roller shutter - WITHDRAWN
0883 21 RITHERUP LANE - Demolish existing bungalow - 2 storey replacement dwelling - Granted
0888 52 MOSSDALE DRIVE - Single storey side extension - Granted

0939 12 KIRKMAN FOLD - Single storey rear extension, 2 storey side extension, larger porch and bay window - Granted
1015 34 DUNBEATH AVENUE - Demolish garage, enlarge dormers and porch - Granted
0963 23 MANOR AVENUE - Work to trees covered by TPO - WITHDRAWN
Work to trees covered by TPO - Granted.
1019 TURRIS HEAH, MILL LANE - Demolition of water tower, new detached dwelling - WITHDRAWN
1030 393 WARRINGTON ROAD - Demolition of lean to, single storey rear extension - Granted

1029 RAINHILL FORGE, KENDRICKS FOLD - Radio masts and equipment - Refused
1048 27 STONECROSS DRIVE - Single storey rear extension, part conversion of garage - Granted.
1068 20 VIEW ROAD - Work to trees covered by TPO - Granted.

1098 3 OWEN ROAD - Demolish existing dwelling and erection of new dwelling - Granted.
1112 30 STAPLETON AVENUE - 2 storey extensions to both sides - Granted


1123 383 WARRINGTON ROAD - Single storey rear extension.
1128 2 RAILTON AVENUE - Two storey extension to side.
1132 9 KING EDWARD CLOSE - Single storey rear extension
1136 SANDY CARR FARM, HALL LANE - Removal of chimney at the rear elevation and a rebuild to the front. The erection of dormer extensions to the front and rear elevations and replacement windows to the front, rear and side.
1144 STOOPS GARAGE, WARRINGTON ROAD - Extension to existing garage to side and rear, incorporating new shop front and roller shutters
1160 CATALYST 4F CENTRE, OLD LANE - Erection of 5no. lighting columns for childrens play area..
1166 9 SILVERLIME GARDENS - Side and rear extensions.
1181 LAND ADJACENT 27 SANDSTONE CLOSE- Amendment to previously approved application P/2007/1060 to site 4 dwellings on vacant land. The proposed works are for alterations to plot 1 of the site.
1212 13 - 14 DANE COURT - Alterations to previously approved planning
permission granted under P/2008/0642 for extension of allowed opening hours and usage of rear door


00412 12 KIRKMAN FOLD - Breach of conditions - Noise barrier.
00448 STREET RECORD NIDDERDALE AVENUE - High hedge enquiry
00484 SHIREBROOK FAIRCHILD FARM FOX'S BANK LANE - Unauthorised development.
00480 STOOPS GARAGE WARRINGTON ROAD - Unauthorised Advertisement.


The 3 Labour councillors of Rainhill have been working behind the scenes with St Helens Council and other interested parties, the Civic Society and the Rainhill Railway and Heritage Society, to promote the Rainhill Trials more effectively. We would all dearly love to see a purpose built museum alongside the station but that remains a long term aim.

We have negociated with St Helens Council for a dedicated website, a virtual museum, which will show the history of the trials. Funding has been secured, a project officer is in place and a specialist company are undertaking the development of the site.

Due to go live shortly, keep checking out www.rainhilltrials.com

The site will be interactive and surfers will be able to comment or give information that others may find fascinating. We are also interested in memorabilia you may have stored in your loft or around the house which we could include in the website.


Recent photographs show a fully cleared site where the flats stood for many years. Lots of residents have very fond memories of the early years when they were so desirable and modern. Convenient for all that the village had to offer, it's no wonder that so many residents enjoyed living in them.

In recent years they became run down and antisocial behavior was common. Some flats were drug dens and giro drop-off addresses and decent residents had just about enough.


The consultation process has begun with interested parties, especially local residents, on the first proposals for the new Warburton Hey development. Two sessions were arranged in Rainhill Labour Club where Helena and the architects gave out information and answered many questions. The design above is a "first impression" consisting of houses and apartments. There is no plan at present to include any bungalows or detached houses.

To be constructed in three phases, approximately 135 properties are envisiged. Many local residents who lived in the old flats are keen to return to the site, and based on what I have seen, I don't blame them...!!!

A second consultation will happen a little later but with funding in place, Helena are keen to start the build and are hoping to start the development in late summer / early autumn 2009.

Before that a full application will have to be submitted to St Helens Planning Dept and agreed to enable it to go ahead.


Local residents in Two Butt Lane were concerned for the safety of the young children who were using the play equipment at the bottom of the lane. This was because there was a regular stream of cars going down the lane trying to access the golf club.

They were reversing at the bottom of the lane and needlessly endangering our local kids.

With Ward Committee money a quick and simple solution was at hand with the warning sign now at the entrance of the lane.


O2 applied to St Helens Council to install several masts / dishes within the existing chimney of Rainhill Forge on the Warrington Road. But the application would have also seen the height of the chimney increase by 4 metres to house the equipment. Local residents were having none of it and wanted to contest the application.

With a little guidance from their local councillors, they amassed over 180 signatures of local residents to emphasise the strength of feeling against the proposals. In total about 200 seperate objections were lodged with planning department.




Rainhill Ward Committee have funding to spend on environmental improvements and residents have repeatedly requested that the village centre is brightened up over the festive season.

Last year we were refused a Christmas tree in the village but we didn’t want to give up and re-applied this year.

This time we were successful, but everything was only completed the day before the switch on and preparations were very hurried. A small but enthusiastic crowd sang a few carols and all the kids were handed a bag of sweets.

We will be looking at further ways to brighten up the village centre for next year.

Friday, November 07, 2008


I have been asked by Willowbrook Hospice to pass on MANY HEARTFELT THANKS to the organisers of this years Rainhill Carnival. Well over £3200 was raised for the hospice and everyone had a fun filled day. The weather was kind and the sun only disappeared well after 5pm.

Monday, October 27, 2008


Friday, August 08, 2008


We thought it was always going to be worthwhile even though the council officers were suspicious that there would be a poor uptake and cost dear. The pilot scheme was a huge success and had to be rolled out across the borough.

We asked how much plastic had been collected in the first 2 months and was now being recycled? The reply was:

May 2008 = 42.92 tonnes

June 2008 = 54.72 tonnes

Total collected so far = 97.64 tonnes, which is equivalent to 1, 952, 800 plastic bottles!!

That's nearly 2 MILLION BOTTLES - Who Would Have Thought....!!!!

Saturday, July 12, 2008


Many local residents will remember the tragic death earlier this year of an elderly woman who was attempting to cross the St Helens Linkway in Rainhill. On a bright dry wintery afternoon last February, 77 year old Kath Price from Cronton was enjoying a leisurely walk with her partner, Jim Gillespie from Rainhill. They were walking back towards Jim's home and had to cross the busy Linkway at Chapel Lane.

Kath was not too good on her feet, so both were aware of the time needed for them to cross safely. Tragically, on this day, Kath became another fatality. A vehicle collided with Kath and she had no chance. This duel carriageway is an extremely fast road and traffic can build up to a high speed at this crossing point which is about half a mile further on from Micklehead roundabout.

We can't do anything for Kath, but Jim wants us to stop another similar accident. I, Cllr Glover, have done a traffic safety survey at that spot and can see the need for clear signage to alert motorists of possible dangers. It's a sweeping bend and also on a rise so visibility is somewhat hindered. I hope to report some action in the near future.

UPDATE - At the recent Ward Committee, your three councillors were unanimous in proposing "Pedestrians Crossing Ahead" road signs as part of a full Council Assessment of this accident blackspot.

20 mph at St Barts School

A concerned resident who has a child attending St Barts School has requested clarification of the position. There is a 20mph sign warning "school ahead" by the garage at the Stoops as motorists come into Rainhill but no such warning sign for motorists who are driving in the opposite direction towards Junction 7 of the M62.

20 MPH schemes are only advisory and motorists would not get warned or fined for being non adherent.

I have sought clarifiction myself from council officers and have been told that the speed of vehicles leaving the motorway and heading into Rainhill Village is more of an issue as opposed to the opposite direction. Additionally the footpath was of insufficient width to locate such a sign. Fortunately for the pupils of St Barts, your councillors were able to campaign for a pelican crossing at the location, which is in itself an indication to motorists to slow down and be more aware.


In Rainhill Village, the following areas were affected by car crime and burglary:-

Burglaries occurred in King Edward Road, View Road, Mill Lane, Warrington Road and Mooreway.

Cars were broken into in Station Street, Norlands Lane and St James Mount.

Cars were stolen from Warrington Road, Toftwood Gardens, Mill Lane and Garsdale Avenue.

Lynn Carberry, Neighbourhood Policing Coordinating Officer warns that sneak burglaries rise in the summer months. People forget to lock up and close all their windows. Burglars DO look for an easy target...!!!

Going on holiday...??? A relative should collect delivered mail. The Royal Mail's "Keepsafe" service will keep your mail for up to 2 months.
Cancel milk and newspaper deliveries.
Sounds daft but don't allow strangers to overhear you talking to friends about your holiday plans!!!
Finally trim the garden before departure and use automatic timer-switches to turn lights on when it goes dark.

New Application in for Briars Hey

Raphael Healthcare Ltd have recently submitted a new planning application for low and medium secure units at Briars Hey site. Today, 12th July, they arranged a meeting between themselves and interested parties to supply the full details of the application and to respond to questions.

Between 30 - 40 people attended including local residents and headteacher and governors of Tower College. The main outline reduction of the application can be best understood by comparing with the original planning application:-

2 x 8 bed Medium Secure Unit = 16 places (originally 20)
2 x 10 bed Low Secure Unit = 20 places (originally 40)
3 x 3 Rehabilitation Apartments = 9 places (originally 10)
No application for Supported Living places = 0 (originally 7)

130 staff, original application was 210 staff.
Separate ingress and egress for a one way system on site, originally 1 access only.

If the application was successful, Raphael Healthcare would instigate a 2 x 12 hour shift system that started at 7.45am and 7.45pm. There would be 44 persons working per shift and approximately 10 personnel working office hours.

Planning Applications are :- P/2008/0617 and P/2008/0619 which can be viewed on the St Helens Council website. If there are more than 6 objectors to the applications, it would go before the full Planning Committee in due course. (probably end of summer / early autumn)

Monday, May 05, 2008



0028 ST ANNS C OF E PRIMARY SCHOOL, VIEW ROAD - Demolition of existing porch with alterations to door opening and erection of covered play area with rollershutters - Granted.
0059 43 KNOWSLEY ROAD - Two storey side extension and single storey rear extension*amended description* - Granted
0062 45 THE MEADOWS - Single storey side extension - Granted.
0056 33 TOFTWOOD AVENUE - Single storey infill extension to the side elevation - Granted
0155 28 ST DAVIDS CLOSE - Two storey side extension - Granted
0098 21 PALMWOOD AVENUE - Conservatory to the rear - Granted
0171 LAND SOUTH OF FAIRCHILD FARM FOXS BANK LANE - Amendment to 1320 to include 8no. velux style roof light windows, one extra fire door and rear external staircase with entrance door - Granted
0177 ST ANNS C OF E PRIMARY SCHOOL VIEW ROAD - Extension to provide link corridor access to classrooms - Granted
0192 69 MOSSDALE DRIVE - Single storey rear extension - Granted.
0205 19 LOYOLA HEY - First floor side extension - Granted
0122 18 MILLOM AVENUE - Conservatory to the rear - Refused.
0161 LINDA HOUSE 15 LAWTON ROAD - Two storey side extension, single storey side extension, demolition of existing single garage and construction of new garage, alterations to roof - Granted.
0141 533 WARRINGTON ROAD - New boundary wall and double gates to front entrance and a new traditional style lamp post - Refused.
0185 45 LONGTON LANE - Erection of single storey, flat roofed extension to the rear - Granted.
0186 17 GOLDSWORTH FOLD - Demolition of rear conservatory and erection of single storey rear extension - Granted

0189 2 HEYES MOUNT VIEW ROAD - Single storey side extension to form garage. Two-storey front, side, and rear extension. Conservatory to the rear - Granted.


0284 5 BLUNDELLS LANE - First floor side extension with alterations to ground floor roof at front and side.
0288 17 CHRISTOPHER CLOSE - Single storey extension to north-eastern elevation
0303 3 THE MEADOWS - Demolition of existing detached dwelling and erection of 2no detached dwellings with 1no detached garage.

0311 27 DUNBEATH AVENUE - Demolition of existing conservatory and the erection of a two storey extension to the side, porch to front and creation of dormers to front and rear elevations.
0320 4 ASHLEY CLOSE - Two-storey front extension and first floor side extension.
0324 23 MANOR AVENUE - Single storey rear extension.
0350 75 ASHTON AVENUE - Dormer extension to the rear elevation.
2008/0352 DEAN HOUSE FARM, BLUNDELLS LANE - Alterations to front elevation of outbuilding, comprising of replacement of 2no garage doors with 2no windows and a single door.
0376 BRIARS HEY MILL LANE - Change of use of main house from use class C1/C2A (residential institutions/secure residential institutions) to use class B1 office use.
0386 52 VIEW ROAD - Works to trees in a conservation area.
0390 628 WARRINGTON ROAD - Retention of oak window frames and door to front elevation and reinstatement of sandstone copping stones on front wall.
0402 10 DERWENT CLOSE - Alterations to roof and erection of dormer to rear.
0423 LAND AT WARRINGTON ROAD - Free standing boundary sign.
0425 LAND AT WARRINGTON ROAD - Free standing boundary sign.
0442 5 ELDERSWOOD - Demolition of existing rear conservatory, and erection of single storey rear conservatory.
0447 10 ST JAMES MOUNT - Demolition of existing garage, erection of single storey pitched roof kitchen extension to side, 2 storey front extension to form garage with bedroom above, two storey entrance extension to front, loft.


00082 LAND OPPOSITE WOODLANDS COTTAGE, OLD LANE - Breach of conditions - boundary fence.
00078 FAIRCHILDS FARM FOXES BANK LANE - Change of use. Caravan and storage container.
00077 22 SANDSTONE CLOSE - Unauthorised development - high boundary fence.
00081 4 RAILTON CLOSE - Installation of rear dormer window.
00094 660 WARRINGTON ROAD - Breach of conditions.
00095 28 FAIRLIE DRIVE - Unauthorised structure.
00101 74 RAINHILL ROAD - Untidy land.
00112 SANDY CARR FARM, FARMHOUSE HALL - Erection of fencing around perimeter of farm.
00124 19 RYDER COURT - Unauthorised Development - large white shed.
00115 88 AMANDA ROAD - Untidy land.


346 31 DEEPDALE DRIVE - Untidy Land - Ongoing dispute. Two successful prosecutions - Awaiting Members Decision on proceeding dispute.

409 9 STATION STREET - Installation of Roller Shutters - Notice given to remove - awaiting appeal decision.


In the Rainhill area, the following areas were affected by car crime and burglary:-

Burglaries occurred in Tarlton Close, St James Mount and Deepdale Drive.

Attempted burglary Mossdale Drive.

Cars were broken into in Millom Avenue, Newby Avenue, Tasker Terrace, St James Road, Sherman Drive and Warrington Road.

Cars were stolen from Warrington Road and First Avenue.

Friday, May 02, 2008


Following our successful petitioning, plastic recycling should now be in place in the whole of Rainhill Village, indeed the whole of the St Helens Borough. We know that there were initial problems with temporary containers / storage bags being blown away, etc., but we need your input as to how we can further improve the PLASTIC RECYCLING.

All your comments and suggestions will be much appreciated.

Public Meeting with our local police - NEW DATE

Following the cancellation of the last public meeting at the police request, a new date has been set to hear local residents concerns.

There isn't much time to spread the word, the new arrangements are for:-

7pm in the VILLAGE HALL

Cllr Mike Doyle Re-elected

After a hard campaign asking people to vote for the candidate who was best served to represent Rainhill people and Rainhill issues, Cllr Mike Doyle was successful in retaining his seat.

Following a TV interview (above), he said, "I owe my thanks to the people of Rainhill who listened and took note of my previous service for the local community. We didn't want to rubbish any other party, we just put our past record on the line".

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Resident Parking Scheme gets the Permanent Green Light


You may have heard a rumour on your estate that the Residents Parking Scheme has come to an end and is not to be replaced. We, your Labour Councillors, can assure you that this is totally unfounded. The scheme has been extremely successful and in line, with our newsletter, is now to be made PERMANENT. There will be a short time lag whilst the legal procedure is put into place. We hope this allays any fears.

We can assure you of our continued support and are delighted it has been such a success.

Thursday, April 03, 2008


Oak Tyres on the Warrington Road have decided they wish to expand their current business. To do this, they have decided, after assessing their current location, that another local larger site is needed. The above plan is a possible development of the Warrington Road site.

Local residents and councillors were invited last weekend to a public exhibition held on the premises, where relevant questions could be asked and answered. Mike Doyle sought assurances that the business was not expanding out of town, we wanted extra jobs to be sought locally. They gave that assurance.

The layout of the draft proposal is for 116 units over the 5 acre site. The breakdown was 64 Four Storey Apartments, 36 Two Storey Townhouses and 16 Detached Houses.

Oak Tyres intend to submit a planning application to St Helens Planning Department this month. Residents of Rainhill will then have a further opportunity to air their views.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


After much speculation and strong feelings, the two original applications by Raphael Healthcare, P/2007/1262 and P/2007/1263 have been withdrawn. Briefly, the applications were:

1./ Demolition and replace secure unit, demolition and replacements of extension of listed building. New 2 storey detached HMO property, refurbishment of listed building to provide discharge units and office accommodation.

2./ New build 20 bed medium secure unit in the location of the existing medium secure unit, which is to be demolished. New build 40 bed low secure unit attached to existing Grade II listed property. New build detached 2 storey unit.

We understand that alternative applications will be submitted with a reduced outline footprint, possibly to accommodate about 50% of the original application.

The consultation process will, of course, start again and all interested parties should be able to make their feelings known.

We will post further information when it becomes available.

4th April 2008

Planning application P/2008/0376 was submitted to the Planning Dept of St Helens Council.

Proposed Development: Change of use of main house from use class C1/C2A (residential institutions/secure residential institutions) to use class B1 office use.
No further applications received as yet.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Some interesting Statistics

"Rainhill really is the place to live locally" according to the recent police information given at the Ward Meeting last night.

Some contributing factors may lie in the age profile of the village:-

Numbers of under 24 yr olds is 15% less than the town average.
Numbers of over 65's is over 25% higher than the town average.

These were the figures for Rainhill Village:-

Crime per 1000 population is 56% less than the St Helens average.

Anti Social Behaviour complaints are 57% lower than St Helens average.


At the Full Council meeting (16th Jan 2008) Councillor Mike Doyle congratulated the residents of the borough on their positive approach to recycling particularly in Rainhill. He requested that the green bins be given to every household currently without such a facility and that the plastic pilot recycling scheme be extended to all of the borough.

Your councillors originally campaigned for the plastics to be collected in Rainhill and it has proved to be extremely successful. However, Councillor Doyle was critical of the 6 week collection delay of green bins over the Christmas period and commented, It was a ridiculous decision to organise such a delay at a critical time”. He hoped that a lesson had been learnt and was promised it would be reviewed for next year.

Mike also recently visited the Tasker Terrace Waste Depot in the village centre for a recycling update and discovered that about 60% of delivered waste is now recycled on the site.

St Helens follows our lead...!!!

Following our long and concerted campaign over recycling issues, the council has relented and now plans to extend plastic bottle recycling to THE WHOLE OF THE BOROUGH from April this year. The St Helens Council have also had to backtrack over the GREEN BINS issue as well.

After arguing against us that there was no capacity to issue more green bins, they have reluctantly agreed to supply a further 5000 to residents who want to help with the recycling campaign. Residents will also be able to request a second black box for glass and metal containers.

Cllr Mike Doyle, who has lead the campaign, said “We told them what the residents wanted, they had to listen finally”.

Pedestrian refuge at Houghton Street

Two seats have now been fitted in Houghton Street and the plinth is shortly to be refurbished. We hope that the area will be respectfully used by all who frequent the Village Centre.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Local Planning Issues


1279 SOMERFIELD SUPERMARKET 580 - 598 WARRINGTON ROAD - Installation of an Automated Teller Machine to front elevation - Granted
1283 7 DANE COURT - To modify condition 3 of previous application to extend the opening hours to operate until 12.00 am Monday to Sunday and 01.00 am New Years Eve every year - Granted
1289 TOWER COLLEGE MILL LANE -Works to trees covered by a Tree Preservation Order - Granted
1293 8 VIEW ROAD - Demolition of existing conservatory and the erection of new conservatory to the rear - Granted
1303 377 - 379 WARRINGTON ROAD - The retention of an Automated Teller Machine to front elevation - Granted
1304 379 WARRINGTON ROAD - Retention of an illuminated advertisement sign - Granted
1323 OAKDENE PRIMARY SCHOOL ASHTON AVENUE - Creation of hardstanding to front of building - Granted.
1360 44 WEAVER AVENUE - Erection of new utility space to the side elevation - Granted
1390 12 JACKSON CLOSE - To replace existing flat roof with pitched roof on
rear elevation - Granted
1311 115 STONEY LANE - Two storey side extension - Granted
1379 7 LONGTON LANE - Conservatory to the rear - Refused
1396 HEATHERLANDS, MILL LANE - Loft conversion with 3 dormer windows - Granted
1446 515 WARRINGTON ROAD - Single storey pitched roof extension to front, 3 new window openings and loft conversion - Granted
1425 ROCKLANDS DAY NUSERY, VIEW ROAD - Erection of single storey covered play area and conversion of existing flat roof to pitched - Granted
1474 41 IVY FARM ROAD - Loft conversion with dormer window to rear - Granted
1459 3 HEYES MOUNT - Demolition of existing conservatory and erection of sun lounge to side - Granted
1466 10 FAWLEY ROAD - Demolition of existing single storey side extension and erection of a two storey hipped roof extension to side and single storey pitched roof extension to rear - Granted
0013 75 MOOREWAY - Demolition of existing garage and the erection of a single storey, pitched roof extension to the side - Granted
0015 39 SHERMAN DRIVE - Single storey detached garage - Granted
0064 8 SANDHURST ROAD - Conservatory to the rear - Granted
0021 23 SECOND AVENUE - Two storey side extension and single storey front extension - Granted


1446 515 WARRINGTON ROAD - Single storey pitched roof extension to front, 3 new window openings and loft conversion.
0028 ST ANNS C OF E PRIMARY, SCHOOL VIEW ROAD - Demolition of existing porch with alterations to door opening and erection of covered play area with rollershutters.
0056 33 TOFTWOOD AVENUE - Single storey infill extension to the side elevation
0059 43 KNOWSLEY ROAD - Two storey side extension.
0062 45 THE MEADOWS - Single storey side extension.
0064 8 SANDHURST ROAD - Conservatory to the rear.
0098 21 PALMWOOD AVENUE - Conservatory to the rear.
0122 18 MILLOM AVENUE - Conservatory to the rear.
0141 533 WARRINGTON ROAD - New boundary wall and double gates to front entrance and a new traditional style lamp post.
0155 28 ST DAVIDS CLOSE - Two storey side extension.
0161 LINDA HOUSE, 15 LAWTON ROAD - Two storey side extension, single storey side extension, demolition of existing single garage and construction of new garage, alterations to roof.
0171 LAND SOUTH OF FAIRCHILD FARM, FOXS BANK LANE - Amendment to P/2006/1320 to include 8no. velux style roof light windows, one extra fire door and rear external staircase with entrance door.
0177 ST ANNS C OF E PRIMARY SCHOOL, VIEW ROAD - Extension to provide link corridor access to classrooms.
0185 45 LONGTON LANE - Erection of single storey, flat roofed extension to the rear.
0186 17 GOLDSWORTH FOLD - Demolition of rear conservatory and erection of single storey rear extension.
0189 2 HEYES MOUNT, VIEW ROAD - Single storey side extension to form garage.
Two-storey front, side, and rear extension, conservatory to the rear.
0192 69 MOSSDALE DRIVE - Single storey rear extension.
0205 19 LOYOLA HEY - First floor side extension.


0515 826 WARRINGTON ROAD - Development not in accordance with approved plans P/2006/0276.

010 65 AMANDA ROAD - Erection of garage.

024 24 SANDSTONE CLOSE - Erection of fencing in excess of 2m.

049 RAINHILL LABOUR CLUB, WARBURTON HEY - Erection of smoking shelter.

065 15 LAWTON ROAD - High Hedge Enquiry.


346 31 DEEPDALE DRIVE - Untidy Land - Ongoing dispute. Two successful prosecutions - Awaiting Members Decision on proceeding dispute.

409 9 STATION STREET - Installation of Roller Shutters - Notice given to remove - awaiting appeal decision.

Police Public Meeting

Merseyside Police in Rainhill are inviting people to have their say on the issues that affect their lives.

They want to hear your concerns and act on issues identified by local people in a way that you want to us to, to make a real difference to your community.

If you live or work in the Rainhill neighbourhood and would like to play your part in identifying and resolving local issues, then come along to the meeting on Monday, 14 April 2008:

Rainhill - 7pm at the Millennium Centre - Contact Constable Andy Miller on 0151 493 0212 for further details or email Ward.D.Rainhill@merseyside.police.uk


Free Compost and more....!!

Gardeners in Rainhill are again being offered compost for free.

The give away, organised by St.Helens Council, takes place on Sunday 16th March between 11am and 4pm at Clock Face Colliery Open Space, Gorsey Lane. People attending should bring a bag with them. Spades will be provided.

Also on offer will be additional black boxes for the fortnightly kerbside collections of bottles and cans, blue bags for newspapers, magazines and junk mail and textile bags too. Supplies are limited.

Fairtade Fortnight - Help the poor to help themselves

Fairtrade Fortnight (25th Feb to 9th March) is being celebrated throughout the UK. Free taster sessions are taking place tomorrow and Thursday (4th and 6th March) in St Helens College between 11.30am and 1.30pm so why not try the products on offer. Locally there are also a number of available sources of Fairtrade products available:

An active Fairtrade Group has been set up within Rainhill Media Arts College for a couple of years now.

St James Church in the village hold Fairtrade stalls regularly.

The local Co-op in Rainhill Village Centre sell a wide range of products which include tea, coffee and chocolate as you might expect. But also bananas, sugar, honey, peanuts, flowers and even beer wine and spirits. As a special offer you can buy products during Fairtrade Fortnight for 20% less than the usual selling price.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Delays expected as sewer work begins

Temporary traffic lights will be in operation from February 11 so that urgent sewer repair work outside 615 Warrington Road in Rainhill can be carried out. The project will take seven days and motorists may experience delays.

Monday, February 04, 2008


Councillor Mike Doyle has recently met with both Inspector Neil Kavanagh and Sergeant Neil Forsyth to ask what's being undertaken locally to help the local residents with issues of concern.

Many shoppers will have seen illegal parking on double yellow lines in the village centre. The police are aware of shop owners even parking their vans on the Warrington Road. Constable Andy Miller will be visiting the shops in the village centre and talking to the owners about this issue.

Inspector Kavanagh has said that illegal parking in the village centre will be targeted by his CSO's in the coming weeks.

Weekly police surgeries are continuing to take place in the library every Thursday between 3.30pm and 4.30pm.

On a happier note, crime figures for Rainhill over the past 12 months are WELL DOWN from previous 12 months. Theft involving cars, houses and businesses was down 23%. Anti Social Behaviour Calls to the Police was down by over 50%. The Section 30 Orders, which were in place over half of the year, helped with our youth problem and Mike has a commitment from the police that another order would be sought if it was necessary.


We have been told of several instances recently of stone throwing towards vehicles which potential could cause very serious accidents. The police are aware of this and have told us that the Community Support Officers will be visiting our local schools and talking to the pupils and highlighting the dangers.


At the recent Parish Meeting held on Monday 28th January 2008, we voted on a NIL increase for the forthcoming year. The figures speak for themselves: in the last eight years we have been able to reduce the precept on TWO occasions and hold the precept on the remaining SIX.

The allocation to the Village Hall has been increased by 3% and the fees for use of football pitches has increased by the same amount. These pitch charges still remain 25% cheaper than those imposed by St Helens Council.

We are very proud of our financial control with your monies and a special thanks must again go to our Parish Clerk David Blanchflower.

We believe we are the "Best Value for Money" parish council in St Helens and look forward to seeing the other parish precepts to confirm that when they become available.

Monday, January 21, 2008


Cllr MIKE DOYLE was amongst the guests who recently celebrated the Fortieth Anniversary of Rainhill Library. On the day there were reminiscent sessions and various artifacts of the late 60's including a original mini skirt...!!!

Several photo displays were on show to illustrate exactly what has changed (and what has not..!!) within the last 40 years. Mike cut the cake with the help of Nora Duckett, above centre, and her team of librarians.

Asked to say a few words, Mike thanked all the staff and said "The Library continues to be at the hub of the Village as evidenced by the large numbers of residents who use the facility week in week out. Keep up the Good Work..!!"

SNIPPITS - Bits and Pieces

The next WARD COMMITTEE is due to take place on Tuesday 29th January 2008 - starting at 7pm in the Village Hall. All residents most welcome.

COUNCIL TAX RATES are set to rise by a MAXIMUM of 2.5% this year following a remarkable Rate Support Grant Settlement to St Helens of 5.5%. This increase in funding by the Labour Government is most welcome and has been won chiefly by the sustained campaigning efforts of our 2 MP's Shaun Woodward and Dave Watts.

Last year with the help of local residents, we defeated the application to build a mobile telephone mast by Oak Tyres on the Warrington Road. T Mobile did appeal against that decision but the appeal has been REJECTED by Her Majesty's Inspectors.

The government has also announced an Area Based Grant of £19.637 million and a Ringfenced Grant of £19.423 million for St Helens.

At the recent Council Meeting held on Wednesday 16th January, Cllr Mike Doyle proposed a motion to the Council that all residents who want green bins be supplied with them.
He also proposed that PLASTIC RECYCLING be extended to the rest of the borough.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Top 5 New Year's Resolutions for 2008

1. Spend More Time with Family & Friends

2. Fit in Fitness

3. Tame the Bulge

4. Quit Smoking

5. Enjoy Life More

At least we all don't have to take on-board No 4 as we are all none smokers...!!!


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