Rainhill Village Life - Supported by your Labour Councillors

Monday, February 04, 2008


Councillor Mike Doyle has recently met with both Inspector Neil Kavanagh and Sergeant Neil Forsyth to ask what's being undertaken locally to help the local residents with issues of concern.

Many shoppers will have seen illegal parking on double yellow lines in the village centre. The police are aware of shop owners even parking their vans on the Warrington Road. Constable Andy Miller will be visiting the shops in the village centre and talking to the owners about this issue.

Inspector Kavanagh has said that illegal parking in the village centre will be targeted by his CSO's in the coming weeks.

Weekly police surgeries are continuing to take place in the library every Thursday between 3.30pm and 4.30pm.

On a happier note, crime figures for Rainhill over the past 12 months are WELL DOWN from previous 12 months. Theft involving cars, houses and businesses was down 23%. Anti Social Behaviour Calls to the Police was down by over 50%. The Section 30 Orders, which were in place over half of the year, helped with our youth problem and Mike has a commitment from the police that another order would be sought if it was necessary.

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