Rainhill Village Life - Supported by your Labour Councillors

Friday, February 23, 2007

Local Planning Issues

1462 370 Rainhill Road - Conversion to pitched roof - granted
1382 Fairchild Farm, Foxs Bank Lane - Outdoor manage - granted
1400 21 Ritherup Lane - Demolish bungalow & build 2 storey house and garage - refused
1410 Showerings, 576 Warrington Road - Staff block at rear of shop - granted
1438 7 Owen Road - Front porch - granted
1452 876 Warrington Road - Single storey rear extension - granted
1461 14 Fairlie Drive - Single storey rear extension - granted
1320 Land south of Fairchild Farm, Foxs Bank Lane - Stables, Haybarn and associated work - granted.
1487 70 Amanda Road - Conservatory - granted
1502 1, Oaklands - Work to trees - granted
0900 Rainhill Media Arts College - Multi-use Games Area - withdrawn
1473 12 Fairle Drive - Various single and two storey extensions - granted
1526 51 St James Road - Single storey side extension - granted
1506 9 Stoney View - Vehicle hardstanding - granted
0010 26 Galston Avenue - Two storey extensions to side and rear - withdrawn

Planning Meeting 27th Feb 2007
1435 Rainhill Community Nursery, Deepdale Drive - New Children's Centre.
This application is deferred pending a site visit


0061 4 Station Road - Illuminated sign to frontage
0068 556 / 560 Warrington Road - Illuminated signage to front and sides
0096 2 Calder Drive - Single storey extension and conservatory
0103 2 Tarlton Close - First floor extension and rear conservatory
0108 647a Warrington Road - Work to trees
0126 Wylde Cop, Mill Lane - Work to trees
0128 854 Warrington Road - Single storey extensions
0138 6 Elgin Court, Dunbeath Avenue - Replacement of flat roof
0141 Manor Farm, Mill Lane - Retention of 3 CCTV cameras & satelite dish
Manor Farm, Mill Lane - Retention of 3 CCTV cameras & satelite dish
0154 99 Mooreway - Two storey side and rear extensions

0163 The Spinney, Mill Lane - First floor side extension
0178 Laurel Mount, Mill Lane - Erection of wrought iron gates
0182 16 Stapleton Avenue - Conservatory
0193 Demolition Site, Warburton Hey - Demolition of dwellings
0196 8 Chatsworth Road - Conservatory

009 24 Bexhill Gardens - Unauthorised trellis fencing
007 Land at junction of Longton Lane & Warrington Road - Unauthorised advertisement hoarding
012 Fairchild Farm, Foxs Bank lane - Untidy land
063 Land to rear of 7/8 Greenough Avenue - Unauthorised development

346 31 Deepdale Drive - Untidy land - 2 successful prosecutions - awaiting requests for tender to carry out works in default.
359 Fairchilds Farm, Foxs Bank Lane - Unauthorised development - Appeal rejected - new compliance date 23/11/2006.
368 Land south of Fairchilds Farm, Foxs Bank Lane - Unauthorised development - new compiance dat 03012007 - monitoring.
TBA Land south of Fairchilds Farm, Foxs Bank Lane - Unauthorised development - awaiting compliance.


Burglaries continue to be a major problem and during the last two months there have been incidents in more than a dozen locations in Rainhill Village, including St James Road, Holt Lane, Galston Avenue, Dee Road and Warrington Road. Cars were stolen from locations including Warburton Hey, Second Avenue, Warrington Road, Rainhill Road, St Annes Place, View Road and Stapleton Road.

Although there were 20% less burglaries last year in St Helens than in 2005, we continue to be targeted more than some other areas of the town.

An "Essential Guide to keeping your Home secure" information pack is now available. Get this, or advice about burglary prevention, or indeed a free Home Security Assessment, by telephoning Constables John Black or Mike Platt or visiting the local Cop Shop (opening times:- Tuesday 2pm - 4pm, Thursday 10am - Noon and Friday Noon - 3pm) Phone 0151 709 6010 and ask for St Helens - Rainhill.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Plastic Recycling in Rainhill

We have for some time been aware that plastic recycling is the next step in becoming more green and planet friendly. A number of local residents have recently told us that they feel the same way.

Plastic recycling is a complex issue. It has not taken off in a big way due to a variety of issues. The vast numbers of different plastics available that have to be separated for recycling is a difficult problem and historically there was a negative price differential to collections, it costing more to collect than to sell on, and therefore a price to pay (ultimately by the local residents).

We all cannot "bury our heads in the sand" forever and your three local councillors want to start a campaign to recycle. We believe that costs could now be neutral and there are companies who buy plastic waste, treat it and produce next generation products all on one site.

For that reason, at the last Community Meeting, the chairman, Mike Doyle, proposed that Rainhill pilot a recycling plastic scheme and that the scheme be submitted for approval by St Helens Council. We are still awaiting an official response but hope that we can set up a scheme as soon as possible. We welcome residents comments.


Barnardo's Centre on the corner of Old Lane and Warrington Road can be justly proud of their new play equipment recently installed. This has caused much interest and there is now a waiting list for kids places due to the large number of new applications.

Almost like Tenerife (except for the weather)

Whiston Hospital rebuild is taking shape as can be seen from this view of the development from The Holt public house car park. Six huge cranes are on site and enormous towers of concrete can be clearly seen from the Green Dragon traffic lights. The development is progressing on time.


We have recently been informed that T Mobile are in the process of securing a site for a new mobile phone mast, which will in due time be submitted to Planning Dept. of St Helens Council. The preferred site is by the bus stop on Warrington Road near the Oak Tyres establishment.

I have tried to illustrate the position and size of the mast as accurately as possible. The mast would be 12 metres high and two equipment cabinets would be positioned near the base. The trees on either side of the proposed mast are approximately 10 metres tall.

There are residential properties and shops on the opposite side of the road, and the houses on the edge of the "Shirt Factory" estate can be seen in the background.

We would welcome comments regarding this proposal.


It's not difficult - the Ship Inn at Rainhill Stoops is now clearly visible. What was once half hidden behing a huge beech tree is now in full view - all because of the tremendous winds that blew across the village on 18th January 2007.

Most comments are positive on the new look, but that's not taking into account the three owners whose vehicles softened the fall of the 7 ton giant.


Munch it! Wear It! Taste it! Choose it!

Change Today. Choose Fairtrade, is an urgent call to people in the UK to engage with the Fairtrade Foundation’s vision of an even bigger movement for positive change on unfair trade, including making the switch to buying Fairtrade. This is the theme of Fairtrade Fortnight 2007 (26 February – 11 March), the annual promotional campaign of the Fairtrade Foundation which encourages people to buy products carrying the FAIRTRADE Mark.

Fairtrade sales increase by around 40% every year in the UK, giving hundreds of thousands of producers in developing countries the chance to build a better future and to compete in cut-throat global markets.

In Rainhill Village, only the Co-op The Village Store currently supply Fairtrade products. As consumers we should be asking other outlets to do the same. However, St Barts serve Fairtrade tea and coffee at their meetings and St James Methodist do have a Fairtrade stall.

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