Rainhill Village Life - Supported by your Labour Councillors

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Local Planning Issues

0903 23 Bartholomew Close - Detatched 4 bedroomed house - granted.
0938 1 Birnham Drive - Erection of surrounding wall - granted.
0980 35 Ashton Avenue - Conservatory - granted.
0983 100 Deepdale Drive - Single storey rear extension - granted.
0988 66 Bishopdale Drive - Single storey rear extension - granted.
0951 18 Owen Road - Erection of surrounding wall - granted.
0965 20 View Road - Work to protected trees - refused.
0979 32 Amanda Road - Demolish existing garage & two storey rear extension - refused.
1002 4 Ribble Avenue - Single storey front and rear extensions - granted.
0911 Land Adjascent to 3 Stoney View - Hardstanding for vehicular access - granted.
0929 4 Station Road - Change of use from shop to restaurant - granted.
0969 21 Lowther Drive - Conservatory - granted.
0992 15 Mossdale Drive - Conservatory and pitched garage roof - granted.
1016 34 Old Lane - Two storey side extension - granted.
0984 1 Dorgan Close - Demolish garage - two storey side extension - withdrawn.
0999 3 Malhamdale Avenue - Conservatory - granted.
1075 4 Oaklands - Extension to existing conservatory - granted.
0830 Land to rear of 515 Warrington Road - Rear car park - granted.
1088 10 Calder Drive - Conservatory - granted.

1095 7 Dane Court - Consent to display internally illuminated advertisement.
1117 Rock Bank 27 Mill Lane - Single storey side extension + window alterations.
1145 19 Goldsworth Fold - Conservatory.
1155 7 Dane Court - Erection of storage unit.
1162 81 Mooreway - Garage conversion and first floor extensions.
1193 Fairchild Farm, Foxs Bank Lane - Erection of 4 stables, haystore and tack room, a sand paddock, etc.
1209 497 Warrington Road - To retain existing shop sign.
1216 94 Ashton Avenue - Demolish conservatory, erect single storey rear extension.
1219 8 Stonecross Drive - Two storey side extension + first floor addition over existing garage.

00399 5 Calder Drive - Single storey front extension.
00415 Field to rear of Mill Lane - Erection of fence.
00427 523 Warrington Road - Incomplete development + unauthorised advertisement.
00468 Land adjascent to 21 Bexhill Gardens - Unauthorised fence.

346 31 Deepdale Drive - Untidy land - 2 successful prosecutions - awaiting requests for tender to carry out works in default.
359 Fairchilds Farm, Foxs Bank Lane - Unauthorised development - Appeal rejected - monitoring compliance notice.
TBA Land south of Fairchilds Farm, Foxs Bank Lane - Unauthorised development - awaiting compiance.


Before we all know it, December 25th will be here again. As the hour goes back this Sunday coming, darker nights will make us all believe that winter is here, whilst we are commuting back to our homes in the early evening.

Perhaps this is the right time to tell you what's coming to St Helens Town Centre shortly:

Saturday 18 November - Victoria Square.
St.Helens Christmas Lights Switch-On with Andy Abraham (Runner up in last years X Factor) - in association with WISH FM The event will also feature other live acts and family-focused entertainment. The switch-on itself will include the unveiling of the three competition-winning designs created by local schoolchildren, which have been recreated as full size lights to be displayed on the Town Hall.

A musically-themed Continental Market from 16th to 19th November will coincide with the switch-on event.

Meanwhile, late night Christmas shopping in the town centre will be until 8pm every Thursday until Christmas, starting on Thursday 16 November, with Sunday opening from 10am - 4pm starting on 19 November. The centrepiece in Church Square will be a 40-foot authentic hand-painted 19th Century carousel, one of only six original sets of "Victorian Gallopers" in the country, which will arrive before the switch-on and remain until Christmas Eve.

A highlight of the seasonal activity in St.Helens will be an authentic German Christmas Market, adorning Church Square with its wooden chalet-style stalls and unique merry atmosphere for ten days from 7th to 17th December.

As Christmas Day draws closer, the "Ex Terra Lucem" lantern procession will grace the town centre on 21 December. The magical annual parade will be even more impressive than ever this year culminating in a carol concert outside St.Helens Parish Church followed by complimentary mince pies and hot chocolate.

M62 Junction 7 Update

Many thanks to the local residents who have emailed and phoned me to enquire about the progress (or otherwise) of this major improvement project. I had stated in an earlier report that the scheme was to finish in October but hopes were high that all could be completed by the end of September. This clearly was not the case but motorists who have to pass the site on a daily basis will have noticed that not much is happening lately.

This is the up-to-date report on the situation given to me by St Helens Engineering Dept:

"Works by the main contractor, Birse Civils Ltd., are now almost complete. It is anticipated that the freeflow link from the St. Helens Linkway onto the Manchester-bound M62 will be opened to traffic on Tuesday 24th Oct. and we hope ( after a long struggle ) to get Highways Agency approval early next week to install ducts on the two M62 off-slips ( ie from Liverpool and Manchester ).
After these works, Birse will be tidying up generally and reinstating the site compound area, but all traffic management measures will be removed. Siemens will have some localised traffic signal works, including slot-cutting on the two off-slips, before all works on the overall scheme have been completed. The traffic signals will then benefit from a very efficient linked MOVA operating system.
The limits of the scheme extended slightly to incorporate resurfacing of additional areas of existing carriageway and footway, the cost of which has been contained within the original budget."

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