Rainhill Village Life - Supported by your Labour Councillors

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Resident Parking Scheme gets the Green Light

Your three Labour Councillors Joe DeAsha, Steve Glover and Mike Doyle have been working with St Helens Highways Engineers to devise an acceptable scheme for residents to alleviate the unacceptable parking that has been taking place since the development of the new hospital commenced.

A number of options have been considered and on Wednesday 19th July 2006 a residents meeting was held, attended by about 30 residents, to explain the proposed scheme. It is intended to have a “RESIDENTS ONLY” parking scheme throughout the whole of the estate (including Stoney Lane) in operation in the next few weeks. Signs will be erected throughout the estate and any person in breach of the order will be dealt with by way of a fine.

Each household will be allocated two passes and they are not transferable. Any special circumstances, e.g. a person with a carer, will be catered for individually. We intend to have a meeting with the Hospital Management, the Police, the Fire and the Ambulance Service in order that they understand the details of the scheme.

We ask that all residents co-operate with the scheme and hopefully access by the bin services and emergency services will be very much improved. It will be in place for 18 month as an experiment and monitored on a regular basis. Your comments will be welcomed by St Helens Council during the time and if it proves successful the scheme will be made permanent.

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