A carefully organised exercise was carried out on Friday 20th May 2005 within the Warburton Hey area. The "team" consisted of the three members of the Local Police, two Community Support Officers and five members of Helena Housing Support Team. Various complaints had been logged ranging from anti social behavior to various tenant problems.
The vast majority of the tennants were fully supportive of the clampdown and various issues were discovered and will be acted upon. One of the key "discoveries" was the identification of five potentially abandoned properties / Giro drops. Further addresses will be re-visited in the near future and other addresses will recieve a full inspection to ensure no breaches of tenancy.
Individuals who had been causing graffiti were identified, several cars were illegally parked, and five areas were identified where anti social behavior was likely to have occurred. Actions will be taken on all these incidents and regular visits will be made in the future.
Some onlookers would have been suprised to have seen an appearance of the police helicopter to assertain if any assistance was required - thankfully everything was in hand. A big THANK YOU to all the supportive comments that were heard from the local community who appreciated the joint effort to improve the overall well-being of the area by this targetted joint effort

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